Monday, August 8, 2011

Artist Statement

It is very difficult in our modern day to stand out as an artist. There have been so many amazing artists before you, and there will be after you. But as an artist, all I can focus on is the present and my own present. It is my main focus to show my point of view as well as I can.

It is my aspiration as a photographer to present my work as an insight into my own experiences and at some points my emotions. I take my photographs as a visual poem. Every photograph taken is a reflection of my emotional state and personality.

To me, it is such a cathartic experience to go out into the world and just photograph what I see. Sometimes I come home and haven't taken much more than snapshots of life, and there are those rare moments when I snap at the right time by simple coincidence or luck. The moment I capture something I can't take my eyes off is a wonderfully rewarding experience.

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